Monday, January 19, 2009

Saying Goodbye...

Unfortunately for us, we are saying good-bye to those leaving us, although I would rather be the ones leaving. All in good time I guess. Friday the group that Jake works with had a get together at a restaurant here in Grafenwohr. Um lets just say for starters that buffets are an American thing. In a good attempt, this restaurant brought out lots of food but brought it out onto a table and left it. Served on chilled plates, in a freezing cold room, good thing we weren't really there for the food.
Guys that Jake has worked side by side with for the past 3 years including the 15 months in Iraq, are starting to go their seperate ways. Some of these guys are like little brothers to me. They have been in my home, played with my kids, eaten my food, protected my husband, and I'm sure Jake would say the same. They fought like brothers in Iraq, made fun of each other, and helped each other through 15 months of war. Its a bittersweet thing. Everyone is moving on to different destinations, some will no longer include the military. But I personally will never forget these guys that have made me laugh, have irriated me (by irritating Jake) and have become part of my family. Who knows where our paths will lead us and who we will see again...

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